The Pool People

Stop Press: Chemicals are going up in price by almost 40%

Chemicals are going up in price by almost 40% - the poole people, peyia

Most people will see an increase of around €10-15 per month in Chemicals’ costs.

With the recent news that Tri-chlor and Di-Chlor (the most common chlorine chemicals used in Cyprus) are about to increase in cost by up to 40% isn’t it time to look at an alternative? Salt Water Chlorination has always been an excellent alternative to standard chlorine used in the majority of swimming pools. In the past however it has had a number of disadvantages. Such as; “Cost, and amount of salt required, and the increased level of maintenance.  Anyone that has used salt in the past will agree. Salt is much kinder on the skin and helps balance the pool water. However, the high cost of the initial system and the maintenance required has meant that only people who have a greater need or those troubled by allergies have switched to salt.

Recently salt systems have come on leaps-and-bounds, capable of self-maintenance and higher efficiency. If we couple this to the fact that the initial cost of the unit has fallen drastically then there must be a case to review options. 

Benefits of Salt Water Chlorination:

  • Gentle on Eyes and Skin. Chlorine levels are generally lower with a salt generator. People who are sensitive to chlorine often report fewer irritations when using these pools.
  • Safer Than Chlorine. In tablet or liquid form, chlorine can be dangerous to store and transport. Studies have shown that chlorinated water may also pose a long-term health risk, which may not apply to saltwater systems to the same extent (on the other hand, they do still produce the same disinfection byproducts as traditional pools).
  • Soft Water Feel. If you have a water softener in your home, you know that the addition of salt makes the water feel smooth and silky to the touch – like rainwater. Most people prefer this to the sometimes-abrasive feel of chlorinated water.

 the self-cleaning system increases efficiency

  • Increased efficiency = less salt required
  • Softer water *  Lower Cost to install

 Special offer for March and April.

  • Soft water chlorinator supplied and installed (Subject to site survey)  €  895 + Vat.
    • For pools up to 75,000 litres.
    • For larger pools please request information.
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